
Respect to all the doctors and nurses out there, especially through the Covid pandemic. They donned their masks and scrubs, put on a brave face, and worked tirelessly. Show off these socks in support of our key workers, and if you're one of them, thank you - we hope you feel as incredibly proud of your work as we all do.
Rosie the Riveter has come a long way - from her origins as a motivational poster during World War II, to her Saturday Evening Post cover by Norman Rockwell, to her re-emergence in the 1970s as a symbol of feminism. Today, Rosie is looking as badass and beautiful as ever on these fierce, feminist socks!
These fun women's socks have cute pieces of smiling sushi rolling around on chopsticks and splashing in soy sauce. All your favourites are represented: pink shrimp, fresh tuna, maki sushi and happy hand rolls. Far too cute to eat - you'll just have to put them on your feet.
Many of today's classic cocktails date back to American Prohibition days, when the only way to drink in public was to find a secret bar, known as a speakeasy. There, you would get a special concoction with a name like Old Fashioned; Mojito or French 75. Whether you prefer whiskey, vodka, rum or gin, these super cool Art Deco style socks are the perfect accompaniment.

Also available for men!
Let’s get kraken! These fun squid socks are mostly focused on the colossal squid, a giant deep-sea cephalopod with the longest tentacles in the world . . . as far as we know!
Vegetable growers rejoice! These socks feature all your allotment or vegetable patch favourites including carrots, beetroot, onions and lettuce. So put as much effort into your sock choice as you do your plot and enjoy the good 'thymes'!